The future of news in the “post-truth era”.


Whilst the future of news is digital and social, radio is still very
big. In Denmark, 73% of under 30s get their news from social media,
the most popular medium, but many don’t realise that they are
consuming news from radio too. We need to make news programmes that
people love and actively consume rather than commodities that people
don’t enjoy and just exist for the sake of things.

The rise of fake news is a big problem for broadcasters and won’t go
away anytime soon. This is a direct consequence of the digitalisation
of news. Nobody can prevent people making few news that looks like
news – this is another competitor for traditional news organisations
to deal with. As an industry, we need to find ways to manage the rise
of fake news.

When we think about the future of news, we have to find new solutions
to the needs people have. People want trustworthy news, they want to
learn, they want facts but they might want this in a different way to
how it has been done in the past. The Digital News Initiative (DNI) is
a partnership between Google and publishers in Europe to support
high-quality journalism through technology and innovation. In its most
recent funding round, 28 million Euros was offered to fund 124
projects in 25 countries across Europe.

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